Saturday 21 December 2013

merry christmas....

Christmas is coming soon... season of giving.. let us give Aloysius hope for his life..
We are selling the following items....

for those who are interested you feel free to contact us 09294912400 / 09088100265..
you can also help us by ordering in bulk and sell it to your friends...

--mommy dianne--

Wednesday 18 December 2013

let the fund raising begins....

To start with our fund raising.. we are offering you this button pin for P100 / piece....
interested buyers can contact us at 09294912400 / 09088100265... or you can visit
Aloysius facebook page

   thank you
   mommy dianne

My parents open letter for help

We are Mr. and Mrs. Richelle G. Borja., from Bacoor, Cavite.   We write to you on behalf of our 6-month old son, Aloysius John – who has been diagnosed to have Biliary Atresia, a rare sickness in the liver which necessitates operation before he turns 1 year old.    

The doctors who diagnosed his sickness have advised us to raise 3 – 4 million pesos for his liver transplant operation.   We were likewise told by the doctors that the cheapest place to have the operation is in Taiwan.  As I am a contractual employee working to raise a good family and my wife is a housewife taking care of our other sons, our modest income would not be enough to raise the amount we need for our son…

It is in this regard that we come, in humility, to you to seek for financial assistance as we race against time to raise the funds we needed for our son’s operation.   As parents to this child, we are committed to do anything to save the life of our dear son – and see him grow well and become a good Christian and citizen.   

We shall forever be grateful for your kindness and generosity – as we shall perpetually be indebted to people like you who would be part in saving and seeing our child grow healthy and in good condition.

We opened a peso bank account for donations related to the medication of Aloysius John.   Any assistance in relation to our drive to raise the needed funds for his operation would be sincerely appreciated.   

 We respectfully request that for any assistance you may grant us, the same may be deposited to our son’s bank account or if given the opportunity to receive the amount personally, we shall greatly be honored.

Banco de Oro Bank Account Number :  000900625597
                                    Account Name: Aloysius John A. Borja

Thank you very much and may God bless you in countless ways!

Respectfully yours,
Mr. and Mrs. Richelle G. Borja
Address : B3 L33 Saturn St., Summerhill Subd., Molino IV, Bacoor, Cavite

Contact Numbers : 0929 – 4912400 / 0908 - 8100265

latest visit...

It was October 9 when Aloysius visited Dr. Gregorio, still with jaundice color (skin and eyes), she requested for a blood chem particularly the Bilirubin count and the result was still very high than the normal as seen below.
latest Blood chem result

December 11, 2013 - When Dr. Gregorio told us that Aloysius needs liver transplant. It is because his skin, eyes and stool color doesn't change and his tummy is noticeably getting bigger.
As per Dr. Grergorio's statement, transplant will be done if ever in Taiwan and we need to raise more or less 4 million pesos to cover all expenses of the liver transplant.
Below is the letter requested by Aloysius' parents given by Dr. Gregorio.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Additional Findings.....

While Kasai operation is in progress pedia surgeon Dr. Catangui found out that Aloysius liver had cysts and polyps thus requires Aloysius for another liver biopsy

result indicates that Aloysius liver was cirrhotic ( extrahepatic biliary atresia)

Aloysius was discharge from the hospital August 28, 2013....  five days after the Kasai operation.


It was August 22 when Aloysius was confirmed with Biliary Atresia, he is 2 mos 25 days... it was a decision that was very hard for us. Aloysius is almost 3 months which is the limit for the operation. We are given options of what will be the success of the operation:

1. 20% - Kasai procedure will function well.
2. 40% - 50/50 Kasai procedure will function.
3. 40% - Fail

Because of our commitment to our child to do everything for him we go for the Kasai Operation..

A series of tests carried out again to prepare Aloysius for his operation..

Aloysius before Kasai operation

Aloysius after Kasai operation

 ( operation records of baby Aloysius as shown in pictures)


After series of lab tests, Aloysius was diagnosed with BILIARY ATRESIA....

What is Biliary Atresia?
       - Biliary atresia is a rare liver disorder that affects newborn babies. It affects the tubes (bile ducts) that carry bile from within the liver to the gut (intestine). The bile ducts are damaged or missing in biliary atresia.

Bile is a yellow-green liquid made in the liver. It contains bile salts that help digestion. Bile also contains bilirubin (see What is bilirubin? in the jaundice fact sheet) and other substances that the body needs to get rid of. These substances build up in the liver and blood stream if the bile ducts do not drain properly. Some of these substances cause liver damage.

If bilirubin cannot drain away through the bile ducts into the intestine, it causes jaundice. Jaundice is the medical word for yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes.

Once bilirubin reaches the intestine, it is digested and changes colour. It gives poo (bowel motions, stools) its normal brown colour. Pale, white or light beige-coloured poo is one sign of a complete blockage or lack of connection between the liver and the intestine.

(Aloysius' stool color fall on number 2).

There is a preliminary operation for babies having biliary atresia, the KASAI PROCEDURE...
though the success rate is very minimal this operation is carried out as early as possible between 1 - 3 mos old. Typically KASAI PROCEDURE is somehow a means to delay the liver transplant which is the last resort to cure babies with biliary atresia.


It was August 16, 2013 when baby Aloysius visit his pedia Dr. Bella Querol for his scheduled vaccine and to addressed the doctor about Aloysius' jaundice condition. With his stool having a pale color his pedia instructed us to seek a pedia - gastro doctor Dr. Josie Rogacion wherein Aloysius undergo ultrasound and laboratory test. results are shown below:

Upon knowing the results, we are referred to Dr. Germana Gregorio of Philippine General Hospital, and ask Aloysius for a liver biopsy:

Aloysius' liver biopsy result