Sunday 15 December 2013


It was August 22 when Aloysius was confirmed with Biliary Atresia, he is 2 mos 25 days... it was a decision that was very hard for us. Aloysius is almost 3 months which is the limit for the operation. We are given options of what will be the success of the operation:

1. 20% - Kasai procedure will function well.
2. 40% - 50/50 Kasai procedure will function.
3. 40% - Fail

Because of our commitment to our child to do everything for him we go for the Kasai Operation..

A series of tests carried out again to prepare Aloysius for his operation..

Aloysius before Kasai operation

Aloysius after Kasai operation

 ( operation records of baby Aloysius as shown in pictures)

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